Anxiety Skills

Group for Moms

A group for anxious moms with anxious kids

“You can not lead a child to a place of healing if you do not know the way yourself.”

-Karyn Purvis

Who Can Join?

Are you a plate spinner? Flaming pin juggler? Both ends of the candle burner?

Are you exhausted managing a career, family, and household?

Then this is for you!

Anxiety Skills Group for Moms is a small group for parents with anxiety who want to help their kids with anxiety. You’ll meet moms dealing with anxiety in themselves and their kids—just like you—and you will learn concrete skills and strategies you can start practicing immediately.

Woman juggles oranges and wears reindeer hat. Being parents with anxiety trying to help kids with anxiety can feel like juggling oranges.
Woman meditates with child. Meditation is a great way to learn how to overcome anxiety and fear.

What You Will Learn

When habits like catastrophizing, globalizing, and rumination pop up, getting through daily life can feel impossible.

Throughout six weekly sessions, Mindy Szelap, LCSW, will teach you concrete skills and strategies for interrupting the common patterns of anxiety that keep you stuck and miserable. 

The group will support one another in creating new patterns, managing uncomfortable feelings, and embracing uncertainty to inhabit our lives more fully.

Ready to get unstuck and pivot in the direction of your values and goals? Email Mindy to inquire today!

How it Works

Group meets via Zoom for six sessions. For any question or for more information directly contact Mindy!

Lunch eating is welcome in this Zoom room.

Email Mindy to inquire today!

A woman surrounded by children holds up a help sign. Parents with anxiety need help to help support kids with anxiety
A woman holds her child. Parents with anxiety can find healing.

You’re Juggling A Lot!

Parenting itself can be a huge source of stress and anxiety due to the responsibility of caring for and raising any child—let alone an anxious child. 

Here are a few other completely understandable reasons you might feel anxious:

  • Parenting Challenges: dealing with the behavioral, developmental, and mental-health challenges of your child could feel overwhelming and trigger anxiety.

  • Health and Safety Concerns: From illness to accidents to the general well-being of their child, moms often worry about their children.

  • Work-Life Balance: Juggling parenting with work and other responsibilities can lead to feelings of being stretched thin and anxious about meeting both family and career expectations.

  • Comparison and Pressure: You see other parents at your kids’ schools and playdates, as well as on social media. It’s normal to feel pressure to live up to certain standards or expectations. 

  • Financial Stress: Raising a child can be expensive, and financial worries can lead to anxiety about providing for the family's needs.

  • Personal Identity: Some moms experience anxiety related to their sense of identity outside of being a parent. Balancing their own personal interests and needs with those of their child can be challenging.

  • Separation Anxiety: Moms may experience anxiety when separated from their child, especially during significant life transitions like starting school or childcare. Your child may also be feeling the effects of separation.

  • Lack of Support: Feeling unsupported or isolated can exacerbate anxiety. Having a strong support network can help alleviate some of these feelings.

  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection in parenting can create immense pressure and anxiety, since no one can be perfect all the time.

It’s okay to ask for help! Email Mindy to inquire about joining the group today!

How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear?

I invite you to continue the work of breaking intergenerational transmission of anxiety by joining this group!

Email Mindy to inquire today!

A stressed woman holds her head. She can learn how to overcome anxiety and fear.
A woman holds a baby and uses her computer. Parents with anxiety often have any things to handle at once.

Investment and Next Steps

The cost to join is $120 per session, totaling $720.

Getting started is easy. Just email Mindy to inquire about joining the group today!

Mindy Szelap,LCSW

Mindy Szelap, LCSW, is an experienced professional who has dedicated over 25 years to helping children and families who are struggling with various mental health issues. She specializes in anxiety, depression, OCD, and complex medical issues, providing her clients with the support and tools they need to overcome their challenges.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

A daughter and mother look at each other.

“I have recognized my role and how I have contributed to both my own anxiety cycles and my child. I have been able to pause in stressful moments and take a breath (reflect and analyze how I am feeling). Am I catastrophizing? Ruminating? etc. I have also repeatedly reminded myself what is hard now is easy later. This mantra has helped me through some difficult moments when I want to give up. Also, I think the shift from changing my behavior NOT my child's behavior has been a huge help. Naming what I will be doing differently to support my child versus yelling or coddling him.”

-Prior Client

Moon stars and planet illustration.


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