
Mindy “[t]reated our child for somatic anxiety that manifested as chronic stomach pain in our child. After a handful of sessions, the issues resolved and our child learned ways to face and self manage anxiety to handle challenges at school and in general. A calming presence for both child and parents.”

-Prior Client, Shared via ShareCare

“Mindy's SPACE program was extremely helpful to my family!  Mindy (and SPACE) gave us a roadmap to follow and specific tools to employ in response to the ways in which anxiety was showing up in our kids and our family dynamic - and it worked!   Mindy is also a great teacher and support to the parents/caregivers in the program. She does a great job of explaining what anxiety is, how it shows up, and how to respond in a way that will actually make a difference for your family.  Mindy also has a wonderful sense of humor which is a balm to the stress and exhaustion that so many of us are experiencing. I highly recommend Mindy's SPACE program. It truly made a difference for the well being of my family.” 

-Prior Client

“I loved the format of the class. Each group was packed with so much useful information and tools I could use right away.  Also, the homework was awesome. It helped me to focus on something specific each week. Previously, I would read about anxiety and become overwhelmed with the number of things I could be doing/implementing. This helped break down the tasks into manageable chunks.”

-Prior Client

“If I were to choose the most useful thing I learned in this group it would be the language to use around anxiety, accommodations, and reassurance. Learning the "why" behind shifting language and the "how" has been the BIGGEST asset of this course.”

-Prior Client

“I have recognized my role and how I have contributed to both my own anxiety cycles and my child. I have been able to pause in stressful moments and take a breath (reflect and analyze how I am feeling). Am I catastrophizing? Ruminating? etc. I have also repeatedly reminded myself what is hard now is easy later. This mantra has helped me through some difficult moments when I want to give up. Also, I think the shift from changing my behavior NOT my child's behavior has been a huge help. Naming what I will be doing differently to support my child versus yelling or coddling him.”

-Prior Client

“I have learned to talk less with my daughter and just listen and she is able to solve things on her own and her worrying and anxiety are lessening in certain instances. With my son, I am able to assign tasks and walk away. confident he can figure it out or that he will come to me if he can't rather than staying and helping or watching and feeling bad if he struggles.”

-Prior Client

“Virtually everything has changed! She is confident participating in soccer without us, she can go to sleep without us staying in her room, she washes and dresses herself, she carries her own backpack and brushes her own teeth, she tries new foods more frequently, and more!”

-Prior Client

“I have seen clear improvement in my daughter’s ability to think more flexibly. She needs fewer accommodations, acts more independently, and is braver about trying new things (seems to feel more capable).”

-Prior Client


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