SPACE Anxiety Treatment


Enroll Today

  • Tuesday mornings

    October 8-November 19

    9:00-10:15 AM

    Tuesday evenings

    October 8-December 3

    7:00-8:15 PM

    No group 11/5 (GO VOTE!) or 11/27

    Wednesday Mornings

    October 23-December 11

    9:00-10:15 AM

    No group 11/28

    Venue: All meetings are on ZOOM

    Who this is for: If your child or teen struggles with generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, social anxiety, school avoidance, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, these groups are for you. SPACE works best when all parent caregivers participate weekly.

    What You Will Learn: Concrete skills and strategies you can start practicing immediately. 

    Price: $960 for seven group sessions and one family session. Eligible for out of network reimbursement with most PPO plans.

    Enrollment: Email Mindy at

  • Dates:

    Wednesdays, Oct 16-November 20

    9:00-10:15 AM PST

    This group is for moms to focus on building their own tool box to manage anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. This group is grounded in the tenets of positive psychology and is focused on moving you from old patterns that keep you stuck into new strategies to live a more connected, value driven life.

    Venue: All meetings are on ZOOM

    Price: $720 for 6 sessions. Eligible for out of network reimbursement with many PPO plans

    Enrollment: Email Mindy at

    Learn more here!

  • Anxiety and OCD can get in the way of young adults taking crucial next steps in their development. SPACE-FTL will support parents in building a framework for their adult children to learn to become more independent, support themselves, reach educational goals, and find employment. This group is both instructive and supportive.

    This group meets for 8 group sessions and one individual session. The fee for the group is $1080

    Reach out for more information

  • Friday Mornings

    Starting in September, please inquire for more information

A girl with images of space illustrated around her. Space Anxiety Treatment can help your teenager with anxiety.

SPACE Anxiety Treatment

Pricing and Accessibility

Pricing is listed for each individual course above. Please note, groups may be partially covered as an out of network benefit for families with PPO insurance plans residing in California.

Additionally, Mindy is committed to equity and accessibility of mental health services for families. Please inquire about discounts and scholarships for structurally marginalized groups, families impacted financially by pediatric chronic illness, and single parent families.

UFO Illustration for SPACE anxiety treatment branding.

Want to Help Your Teenager or Child with Anxiety?

Get in touch!

Mindy Szelap,LCSW

Mindy Szelap, LCSW, is an experienced mental health professional who has dedicated over 25 years to supporting children, teens and families who are struggling with chronic medical and mental health issues. She specializes in anxiety, depression, OCD, and complex medical issues, providing her clients with the support and tools they need to live a meaningful, self directed life and find more joy and connection in their families.

Three teenagers look at a phone, an example of teenagers with anxiety.

“I loved the format of the class. Each group was packed with so much useful information and tools I could use right away.  Also, the homework was awesome. It helped me to focus on something specific each week. Previously, I would read about anxiety and become overwhelmed with the number of things I could be doing/implementing. This helped break down the tasks into manageable chunks.”

-Prior Client, Shared via ShareCare

sun and moon illustration for space anxiety treatment branding.


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illustration of ufo for space anxiety treatment branding.