Individual and Family Therapy for

Living with Anxiety

Kids living with anxiety

This generation faces many unique challenges. So many are struggling post pandemic. I empower young people with the tools to skillfully manage school, friends, and family. I utilize CBT, ERP, and ACT, all evidence based treatments to help children learn to manage anxiety, OCD, and mood disorders and thrive in this rapidly evolving world.

A girl in an astronaut costume raises her fist, an example of a teen navigating the transition to adulthood.
A teen holds a notebook, an example of living with anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder in teens.

The transition to adulthood

The transition to college and into young adulthood can be tricky for young people who missed important developmental milestones and experiences due to the pandemic. I work with college age students and young adults to develop the necessary skills to manage anxiety, depression, and develop skills for independent living in order to mature into their best selves during this crucial transition into adulthood.

Early Childhood Anxiety

I offer comprehensive parent coaching to help parents interrupt patterns in their home that are keeping them stuck. I am an early childhood expert and utilize a developmental model to help parents navigate the tricky parts of raising little ones. It is often small adjustments that can make a big difference in managing tantrums, transitions, sleep, and adjustment to change. I also specialize in helping parents manage complicated toileting issues, including fears, withholding, and encopresis.

A toddler sits in a green chair and smiles.  Children often deal with fear and anxiety.
A mom and daughter look at each other.

Parents Living with Anxiety

Parents are their children’s most important and influential teachers. Each age and stage brings about new challenges. When the plane hits turbulence, parents have to put on their masks first before helping their child. When a parent struggles with their own anxiety, it can feel difficult to manage all of the big emotions of anxious children. Working with parents interrupts the intergenerational pattern of anxiety and puts parents in charge, empowering them to deal with fear and anxiety in their children and teens.

Pediatric Chronic Illness and Pain

With more than 20 years of experience working in Bay Area pediatric hospitals, I have a deep understanding of how illness and pain can impact children and families. Along with CBT/ACT for pain management, I am also certified in pediatric hypnosis and help children learn this skill to manage discomfort and ease pain and distress.

A girl wearing a hat smiles. Even happy children experience child anxiety, and SPACE Treatment can help!

Mindy Szelap,LCSW

Mindy Szelap, LCSW, is an experienced professional who has dedicated over 25 years to helping children and families who are struggling with various mental health issues. She specializes in anxiety, depression, OCD, and complex medical issues, providing her clients with the support and tools they need to overcome their challenges.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

Parent and child hug, example of child anxiety.

“I have recognized my role and how I have contributed to both my own anxiety cycles and my child. I have been able to pause in stressful moments and take a breath (reflect and analyze how I am feeling). Am I catastrophizing? Ruminating? etc. I have also repeatedly reminded myself what is hard now is easy later. This mantra has helped me through some difficult moments when I want to give up. Also, I think the shift from changing my behavior NOT my child's behavior has been a huge help. Naming what I will be doing differently to support my child versus yelling or coddling him.”

-Prior Client

Moon stars and planet illustration.


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